This and that
I'm a bit of a scatty blogger really. I seem to have so much going on all the time that it's difficult to settle on one thing.
My garden has been lush this summer because we had lots of rain in June. The trees grew and grew, so much that we are going to have to part with one of them because it has just got too big. It's an ash tree - I didn't plant it; it planted itself and it loves it just where it is - about 7 feet from the house and 4 feet from the neighbour's bedroom window. It is a beautiful shape and gives much needed shade in the height of the summer, but it will grow much more and completely dominate the gardens, neighbour's and ours so when the leaves have dropped, we will have to take it out. Watch this space....
I've also been busy with my penpal group - Junk Journal Penpals Group on Facebook. We have 555 members now, although not all of those post regularly, if at all. Lots of people drop by to see what's new, but it often doesn't occur to them to make a post themselves. If they did there would be 555 posts for us all to see. I've been involved in the penpal group for about five years now and I feel proud that lots of friendships have been forged during that time. It is a world wide group with an ethnic diversity. All are welcome but the main thing is a love of crafting junk journals. If you don't know what a junk journal is, it is a handmade journal, made from paper and fabric found around your home or bought in a thrift shop or a craft shop and when made, it has your own 'stamp' on it. No-one makes one exactly the same. They are all unique. You have to find your own style and there are lots of interesting videos on YouTube, which tell you how to do it. My favourite crafter is Jibid Neary and you can see her journals here:- Jibid Neary
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